XChain - Niomatic

Block chain solution for IOT applications

To maximize the capabilities of the applets in the market, it is necessary to implement a method for verifying the authenticity of the applets, identifying the users, the services, and things connected in the network. Here we present a blockchain-based solution that solves one of the major problems in the development of IoT platforms in real and practical terms.

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Decentralized Application

The procedure start designs an applet. The applet is signed with the Alice ID and it records the process of transferring the applet to Alice’s assets in the blockchain and sends it to Alice. The developer can add the services to Alice through the applet. To do this, the developer gets a token access from service and sign applet by that token and Alice address(ID). The access token is created by the service corresponding to the developer request. The applet is signed by these two tokens and is registered in the blockchain. This way Alice will access the service via an applet. The service verifies the Alice access to specified services (through Alice requests that sign with her secure key) by checking in the block-chain.

User / Developer / Applet
Access control to services in multilateral contracts.

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