Service - Niomatic


Hybrid services can also be created through the Niomatic platform.

The cloud service solution and the combination of visual programming are provided by Niomatic. Companies can offer services as blocks in Niomatic IDE. Many services require implementing customizable sequence for requests management in the server side. Cloud-based services can use online embedded Niomatic IDE and the core engine. Executable applications in the backend will be designed and executed by the “applet on the servers” web-based application.


Hybrid services can also be created through the Niomatic platform.

The cloud service solution and the combination of visual programming are provided by Niomatic. Companies can offer services as blocks in Niomatic IDE. Many services require implementing customizable sequence for requests management in the server side. Cloud-based services can use online embedded Niomatic IDE and the core engine. Executable applications in the back-end will be designed and executed by the “applet on the servers” web-based application.

Cloud-based services can use online embedded Niomatic IDE and the core engine. Executable applications in the backend will be designed and executed by the “applet on the servers” web-based application.

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