Niomatic | Zero-code Enterprise-grade Programming Platform

Visual programming on your smartphone

Niomatic is a comprehensive manageable solution which makes it possible
to develop and design diverse enterprise-grade and zero-code application (Applet) with user-friendly interfaces.

Niomatic IDE

What is visual programming?

If you’re a visual learner, or if you wonder how visual and auditory information is translated into the language of computers, graphical programming might be for you. The graphical approach to programming allows a computer to process spatial representations in two or more dimensions. In contrast to text-based programming, which uses lines of code, graphical programming replaces text with pictures or symbols of physical things.


Trigger flow

All occurrences and commands are based on causality. It's so easy!

 All programming tools available in SDK. Develop your applet in NIO SDK. Users can simply run your applet in their Runtime Application in any devices.

The advantage, ease and power of Niomatic blocks
Build integrated software and hardware with development modules that simplify the prototype to the production process.

  • Create application by drag & drop in your phon or PC (soon)
  • Build hardware by pre-made modules (Open source PCB, Schematic and Code)
  • Bring to market by inovative market channels (Applet Radar, Hotlink, Social share and more..)

Zero-code Enterprise-grade platform
One design for all

Graphical programming provides an approach that's more intuitive and less cumbersome for some programmers. It also can be a more effective way to introduce computer programming to visual learners.  For example, researchers at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group have created a program called Scratch, which uses graphical programming to help children learn math and engage in creative thinking.

We develop applications for mobile, microchip, web, wearables, and TV.

The code structure of the applets is stored in the JSON format. This will allow network transmission and interpretation across all operating systems. The applet development environment can be embedded in mobile phones, personal computers, or web pages. Suppose a company intends to provide smart toys for children's education, it can use the dynamic Niomatic development environment to design and personalize its products for children. It does not matter if you have an iPhone or an Android phone or a browser on your PC! You will be able to implement applets designed for each platform on all other operating systems. This is the key concept in Niomatic, namely the autonomy of the applets from the operating system.

Drag & Drop!
Come to real your idea

Niomatic is a comprehensive manageable solution which makes it possible to develop and design diverse IoT systems with user-friendly interfaces. Connect, manipulate, assess, monitor and control a wide variety of equipment with promising software prepared by Niomatic team. Our product makes your dreams come true by providing you with such an opportunity to build your custom applet either on your phone or tablet.

Visual programming application, Nio platform can be often used in easy teaching coding and computer science. The graphical approach also enables non-programmers to build programs by dragging and dropping blocks representing code commands.

Visual programming, zero code design contains these 3 layers: Back panel, Front panel and Run layer.

Back Panel

Back Panel

Design logic

Front Panel

Front Panel

Design UI

Run Layer

Run Layer

Run applet like application

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Denmark, Copenhagen